Rockland Breakwater
Saddleback Ledge
Owls Head
Isle Au Haut
Heron Neck
Goose Rocks
Matinicus Rock
Browns Head
All Lighthouse Trips depart from and return to Journeys End Marina in Rockland Maine. I will schedule trips from around the end of May through the middle of September.
The weather is often much different out at sea. Be sure to bring a sweater ,jacket and rain coat. Binoculars and a camera are a must! Food and drinks are welcome. There is a bathroom on board, but it is best to use the facilities at the Marina before we depart.
A $200 deposit is needed at time of reservation. The balance is paid at the end of the trip. A check or credit card may be used for the deposit. Cash, check or a credit cards are welcome for the balance. You may cancel up to 7 days before the trip. A $15 processing fee will be deducted from the deposit. There is no refund of the deposit if you cancel 6 days or less before the date of the trip. If I cancel the trip, the full deposit will be refunded. Parking at the Marina is $20 a vehicle. Please see the ABOUT page for how to get to the Marina, where to unload and pay to park.
I can not guarantee I can always take over 6 passengers. This is because the Coast Guard requires a deckhand if I carry 7 or more passengers. You can book the trip, but I may have to cancel if a qualified deckhand is not available.
If it is too windy I will cancel the trip. I will hopefully be able to let you know at least 12 hours in advance. I will try and give you the option of going the next day.
FOG: Summer in Maine is about fog. It can come and go as it pleases. It can be clear in Rockland and foggy at the lighthouses. The reverse also happens. If I feel the fog is so thick and I do not think it will lift, I will cancel the trip. If the fog comes in while we are enroute, I will keep on going. You can almost always see the lighthouses in the fog, but it is not guaranteed.
EXCURSION #1 Three Lighthouses
Rockland Breakwater Light, Owls Head Light, Matinicus Rock
We depart from Rockland going by Rockland Breakwater Light, Owls Head Light then head to Matinicus Rock going by Matinicus Island and Criehaven Island on the way. It will take us around 1.5 hours to get there. We spend about about 30 minutes circling the island , observing the Lighthouse and all the birds and seals. Porpoises are usually seen and whales will sometimes be observed. We do not dock or land on the island. Puffins are usually seen from May until early August. After we are finished viewing Matinicus Rock we return to Rockland. The total trip takes around 3.5 to 4 hours.
The fare is $1100 total for 1 -6 passengers, $1400 total for 7-12 passengers.
EXCURSION #2 Four Lighthouses
Rockland Breakwater Light, Owls Head Light, Heron Neck Light, Matinicus Rock
This trip is the same as trip #1 except we go by Heron Neck Lighthouse after Owls Head Light, then head to Matinicus Rock. Trip time is around 4 to 4.75 hours.
The fare is $1200 total for 1-6 passengers, $1500 total for 7-12 passengers
EXCURSION #3 Eight Lighthouses
Rockland Breakwater Light, Owls Head Light, Heron Neck Light, Matinicus Rock , Saddleback Ledge Light, Isle Au Haut Light, Goose Rocks Light, Browns Head Light
This trip is the same as trip #2 except that after viewing Matinicus Rock we head to Saddleback Ledge Light, Isle Au Haut Light, Goose Rocks Light, Browns Head Light then head to Rockland. This trip takes around 5 to 6.5 hours.
The fare is $1600 total for 1-6 passengers, $2000 total for 7-12 passengers.
EXCURSION #4 Four Lighthouses
Rockland Breakwater Light, Owls Head Light, Whitehead Light, Two Bush Light
We depart from Rockland going by Rockland Breakwater Light, Owls Head Light. Then we head down the Muscle Ridge Channel until we see Whitehead Light and Two Bush Light. We will then return to Rockland. Trip time is around 1.5 to 2 hours.
The fare is $600 total for 1-6 passenger, $900 total for 7-12 passengers.
EXCURSION #5 5 Lighthouses
Rockland Breakwater Light, Owls Head Light, Whitehead Light, Two Bush Light, Matinicus Rock
This trip is the same as trip #4, but after Two Bush Light we head to Matinicus Rock! We then head back to Rockland. Trip time is around 4 - 5 hours.
The fare is $1200 total for 1-6 passengers, $1600 total for 7-12 passengers.
EXCURSION #6 Seven Lighthouses
Rockland Breakwater Light, Owls Head Light, Whitehead Light, Tenants Harbor Light, Marshall Point Light,Franklin Island Light, Two Bush Light.
We depart from Rockland going by Rockland Breakwater Light, Owls Head Light. Then we head down the Muscle Ridge Channel until we see Whitehead Light, Tenants Harbor Light, Marshall Point Light, Franklin Island Light and then start heading back going by Two Bush Light. After Franklin Island Light we will go by Eastern Egg Rock and should see puffins from May through early August. Trip time is around 4.5 to 6 hours.
The fare is $1200 total for 1-6 passengers, $1600 total for 7-12 passengers